Goodness, it's a while since I last blogged. Immy, Marc & I all absolutely loved Greenbelt. It was brilliant seeing so many of my friends again and fun camping for the first time in ages. Especially since it appears that all you have to do to pitch a modern tent is say 'Piff Paff Poof', pretty much. I was very impressed as I have many memories of having to hold precariously arranged poles while my parents tried anxiously to drape the tent over it and prayed that it wouldn't rain during the whole tortuous process. The speakers I saw were excellent and the music was wonderful. Immy particularly enjoyed Julie McKee and the folk club. We were sorry to have to go when it all finally came to an end.
Since we've been back, weaning has obviously continued. So far, Immy has tried: rice cakes, dried apricots, apple puree, sweet potato puree, greengages, mashed banana, butternut squash puree, carrot puree and a bit of apple & strawberry fruit leather (a lot nicer than it sounds!). She appears to have taken a dislike to the greengages and the butternut squash. Oddly, despite now having three lots of solids a day, the breastfeeds have increased. Particularly at night. Whereas previously she had just started on giving me 6-7 hours sleep at night, she is now back to her newborn habits of 2 hourly feeding. I'm finding the whole process very draining and stressful. Marc keeps reassuring me that all babies are weaned in the end and I won't be having to send expressed milk with her to university, but nonetheless I worry and find things frustrating. You have this image in your head of babies taking to solids like the proverbial waterfowl to their water and I have found that that is thoroughly incorrect. I really hope things calm down soon!