Monday, 5 May 2008

Grand tidy up

Well, semi-grand, anyway.  I managed to get most of what I wanted up in the loft.  Marc still hasn't put his LARP stuff up there, but at least the spare room looks slightly less like a bomb's hit it.  Plus Marc put up the cot because Immy was beginning to outgrow the Moses basket.  We now have to negotiate the cot each time we want to change her, though.  It's unfortunate that our room is such an awkward shape, really.  Great size but difficult to maximise the use of that space owing to the fact that a chunk of the room is taken up accommodating the stairs, if you see what I mean.

Other than that, I didn't really manage to get much in the way of knitting done.  I had fully intended to finish the Baby Yoda sweater, but I was quite tired and didn't feel that I would do it justice.  So I just carried on working on the Noro hat.  Excuse the rubbish photo, Marc's camera's annoying me at the moment, but this is what I've done so far:

Hopefully I'll get it done, along with my other projects, by next weekend.

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