Saturday, 3 May 2008

A nice surprise

Well, I was going to sort out all the stuff for the loft and get our home cinema ready for sale this weekend, but my plans were thwarted by a very pleasant surprise visit from my mother-in-law.  We had a very nice day shopping (during which she treated us to a cot mattress for Immy - thank you Kathy!) and after which we visited Marc's grandparents, where this photo was taken:

I'd show you a picture of his grandparents, but I didn't manage to get a decent (by my standards) shot.  

I can't believe she's exactly three months today.  In some ways it seems like an eternity ago that she was born - it feels as if she's been with us always.  And yet, it also feels like it was only yesterday.  I'm looking forward so much to all her developmental milestones.  Hearing her say Mummy for the first time is going to be magical.  I'm loving watching her grow up and seeing her change.  Already she's making different noises each day.  She's begun to recognize how I prepare to feed her, so she calms down when she realises that's what I'm doing.  And the other day she followed Marc out of the room with her gaze.  She's such a happy, sweet natured child and I feel incredibly lucky that she's been given to us.  At the risk of sounding horribly twee, we are truly blessed.

1 comment:

Krystal said...

She's so beautiful!