Monday 26 May 2008

It's infected my dreams

That's it, I think I've finally gone completely mad (something my friends have been predicting for years).  I've started dreaming about knitting.  Now, those who are Knitters may say that this is perfectly reasonable.  They may start talking about beautiful lace, gorgeous colours and the like.  And if it were that of which I had been dreaming, I would suggest they had a point.  Unfortunately, I woke up this morning realising that I had been dreaming about how to do mattress stitch.  Now, I realise that you might claim that this is at least an appropriate stitch to be dreaming about in bed.  And, in my defence, I had been reading Maggie Righetti's excellent, Knitting in Plain English the night before.  But, really.  I'm sure there's something wrong with me.  And I still can't seam neatly.

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