Monday, 2 June 2008

People and projects

Well, Tilly's lunch was lovely.  Both the trifle and the poncho were a great success.  Claire preferred the loose fit, so I didn't need to worry about fitting the snap closures.  Which was, to be frank, a relief, as I was a bit worried about them pulling on the fabric.  Not sure I really trust anything other than buttons or ties with knitted items.  Owing to the weather, it wasn't really practical to get a photo of Tilly wearing it, but I'm hoping that one comes my way once the weather turns.

I'm now about half way through Anna's scarf, but I've not worked on it for the past couple of days since I feel that I need to concentrate on every third row.  So I've also started a baby hat, which will be my first foray into colour work.  I'm hoping it works as I'm interpreting a pattern rather than following precise instructions.  I do seem to have a case of starteritis, though, since I've also got a hat for me on the go as well (in Wendy Fusion - should be pretty!).  Let's just hope that I get them all done soon as there are loads of other patterns I'm hankering after and I don't think having more than three projects on the go is a sensible idea!

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