Monday, 21 April 2008

I appreciate that I haven't blogged in an awful long while, but I've been a little busy.  Predominantly, because of this little love

My lovely daughter, Imogen Sophia, was born on Sunday 3rd February at 2.01pm.  It was intended to be a home birth, but after a very long time of pushing with no result (she was stuck), we were rushed to Epsom hospital by ambulance for an emergency ventouse.  Not pleasant, but far better than what would have happened if we hadn't (she was born with meconium and had to be taken into the Special Care Baby Unit).  

And I've finally got back into knitting.  I'm part way through a very lovely Debbie Bliss top for her.  It was intended for Lexie, but I've been very slack and Lexie is now far too big for it!  However, the jacket I started last year (which still isn't finished - mea culpa) will probably still fit her, so once the zip arrives I can finally finish it off.

I'm completely stuck on that waistcoat, too, by the way.  If anyone has the pattern and can help I'll be very grateful.

If I finish all of that, I then have the arduous task of deciding what to make next.  

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