Friday, 30 March 2007

Too far away

It's at times like this that I really hate how far away I live from my friends and family. My littlest sister, Nat, is 33 weeks pregnant and has been showing the initial signs of pre-eclampsia for quite some time. I phoned her today to discover that she's in hospital and has been since Wednesday. She was admitted because her blood pressure was rising and there was an increasing amount of protein in her urine. So, as with Keziah, we're playing the waiting game. And, frankly, I'm worried, because anything could happen. The only fortunate thing is that I've got this coming week off work, so at least I can drop everything and visit should the need arise. In the meantime, I can phone her via the hospital's phone system. The price is scandalous, though - 39p/minute off-peak and 49p/minute peak times. It's going to cost me an absolute fortune. At least if I were in Leeds, I could just pop round, but that's more than a little bit difficult when you're stuck in North Surrey. (And fingers crossed that Alexia's not born on Sunday. I don't want an April Fool for a niece! ;) ). If you see this, please keep my sister and the little one in your thoughts. I'm very worried about them.

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