I've had this set up for quite a while, so I thought it was about time that I actually made an entry. The intention is, when I can get myself organized, to have photographs on here of my latest knitting projects and to otherwise just chatter on about whatever's going on in my life.
Knitting is something I was taught first, like many people, when I was small. My Mum taught my sister and I together which must have been tricky, given that my sister is left handed. But that's by the by. Anyway, I've knitted on and off since, but without anything more exciting than a doll's blanket (read: failed scarf) or a scarf. That is, until January of this year, when I finally managed to properly get the hang of it and really get going. It helped that our two cats have finally outgrown trying to eat all my yarn (they just munch on scraps now).
Currently on the needles, anyway, is a nearly completed jacket from Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Without Tears. (A fabulous book, which I highly recommend. Much demystifying, humour and all round helpfulness is to be found within.) Unfortunately I started to pick up and knit for the sleeves from the wrong side, but I have decided that the raised seams can just be a design feature as they look rather fetching. You will see what I mean once I have my pictures up (which are coming, I promise). Secondly, I'm making a top from one of the Debbie Bliss books for my impending niece. I just love her patterns and I've recently decided that I'm going to have to spend if I want decent yarns, so I'm making it in her Baby Cashmerino yarn, in teal, and it's gorgeous. Going ok, so far (fingers crossed). Again, photos will be up soon.
Tentatively, I've vaguely begun (two rows) a basketweave stitch baby blanket in Jaeger Chamonix for a friend, which I'm trying to design myself (ish - as much as one can design a blanket). I'm hoping that I have the stamina to complete it. I find such repetitive things a little on the tedious side. If all else fails, it may just have to be for a different baby.
And I'm on my second tension square for a gorgeous Noro waistcoat for my niece. Hopefully she won't decide that that's too itchy as well - especially considering the cost of Noro! If not, again, I suppose it can always go to someone else.