Saturday, 31 March 2007

Alexia's Jacket

Well, I promised you a photo, and here it is. I finally finished that sleeve and have started making up. Being a person of a very low concentration span, I got a bit distracted and went off to do other things (namely, playing the piano followed by scrabble on the PC), so I've one sleeve to seam plus weaving in, blocking and sewing in a zip. But it actually looks vaguely jacket-like, so I'm pleased.

Friday, 30 March 2007

Too far away

It's at times like this that I really hate how far away I live from my friends and family. My littlest sister, Nat, is 33 weeks pregnant and has been showing the initial signs of pre-eclampsia for quite some time. I phoned her today to discover that she's in hospital and has been since Wednesday. She was admitted because her blood pressure was rising and there was an increasing amount of protein in her urine. So, as with Keziah, we're playing the waiting game. And, frankly, I'm worried, because anything could happen. The only fortunate thing is that I've got this coming week off work, so at least I can drop everything and visit should the need arise. In the meantime, I can phone her via the hospital's phone system. The price is scandalous, though - 39p/minute off-peak and 49p/minute peak times. It's going to cost me an absolute fortune. At least if I were in Leeds, I could just pop round, but that's more than a little bit difficult when you're stuck in North Surrey. (And fingers crossed that Alexia's not born on Sunday. I don't want an April Fool for a niece! ;) ). If you see this, please keep my sister and the little one in your thoughts. I'm very worried about them.

Tuesday, 27 March 2007


I want to be cross. I really do. Marc gave up cigarettes months ago, but every now and then he has one in a social setting. Tonight, he went off to see a BBC Radio 4 programme being recorded as he and I are wont to do.

On this particular occasion, he was late leaving work and consequently was put in the standby queue. While he was waiting outside (because he was hot), he was given a cigarette by none other than Stewart Lee. Well, really! How do you manage to be angry with someone when you're also really impressed? Grr.

Monday, 26 March 2007


The kitchen is actually still clean. I might just faint. When I got in from work I managed to: empty the airer, set off another load of washing, hang that out, wash up, dry up, clean surfaces, mop the floor, clean the bathroom (again - cats running around in the bath are a pain), put away the dry laundry and make With the addition of a little cream once it had been blended, it actually turned out flipping gorgeous (if I do say so myself). Makes gallons too, which is quite handy for packed lunches.

I've nearly finished the EZ jacket. At least, before seaming, blocking and adding the zip. Just 30 or so more rows of the sleeve to go and, because of the decreases, it gets faster as you go. Seems I don't want it to end because, even though I could have pretty much completed it tonight, I stopped around 10.30. Ah well, be interesting to see how it turns out.

Very tired now. And so, as Pepys would have it, to bed.

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Spring Forward

Gosh, I'm tired. Did anyone else forget that the clocks went forward, despite the numerous reminders on the radio etc? Lucky for me that I actually have things to do today, otherwise I might have been very late for work tomorrow.

My husband has just gone off on one of his little jaunts down the caves in Kent to pretend to be a warrior. Really. (Yes, I know). It's something he's been doing with his mates for the past 20 years or so. I'm just hoping it doesn't continue much past when he'll get his free bus pass. Yesterday's preparation involved hacking apart his chain mail and then creating new ties for it with dressing gown cord purchased from John Lewis. (I did point out to him that he could perfectly well make his own with a few lengths of yarn and even left out the instructions, but apparently unless I did it, he was going to purchase something. So he bought the cord.) It was most disconcerting having what looked like a medieval soldier wandering about the flat, I can tell you.

I managed a few more rows on the E. Z. jacket. For some reason I'm getting slower. Although it may have been because I didn't start it until about 8.30pm last night having spent most of the day cleaning the kitchen. I had been putting off cleaning the oven because there is no door to our kitchen and we have two very inquisitive kitties:


Nelson (to follow)

They really wouldn't have been above nosing about in oven cleaner. I didn't fancy having to explain that one to the vet. Or the R.S.P.C.A., come to that. This procrastination, in the name of animal welfare, however, had been going on too long. (We moved in on 3rd December 2005. This is the first time I've cleaned the oven. Thank God no one called Kim & Aggie, that's all I'm saying.) It took me four goes to even get it down to vaguely normal and I really ought to have another try today. The oven shelves had to be seen to be believed. After half an hours scrubbing I gave up and asked Marc to do it. I think my arms were about to fall off.

Anyway, even though there is not much progress on the jacket - at least my kitchen looks vaguely respectable. Which is just as well, because I've promised Marc a chocolate cake when he gets back from Chislehurst.

Friday, 23 March 2007

The first post

I've had this set up for quite a while, so I thought it was about time that I actually made an entry. The intention is, when I can get myself organized, to have photographs on here of my latest knitting projects and to otherwise just chatter on about whatever's going on in my life.

Knitting is something I was taught first, like many people, when I was small. My Mum taught my sister and I together which must have been tricky, given that my sister is left handed. But that's by the by. Anyway, I've knitted on and off since, but without anything more exciting than a doll's blanket (read: failed scarf) or a scarf. That is, until January of this year, when I finally managed to properly get the hang of it and really get going. It helped that our two cats have finally outgrown trying to eat all my yarn (they just munch on scraps now).

Currently on the needles, anyway, is a nearly completed jacket from Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Without Tears. (A fabulous book, which I highly recommend. Much demystifying, humour and all round helpfulness is to be found within.) Unfortunately I started to pick up and knit for the sleeves from the wrong side, but I have decided that the raised seams can just be a design feature as they look rather fetching. You will see what I mean once I have my pictures up (which are coming, I promise). Secondly, I'm making a top from one of the Debbie Bliss books for my impending niece. I just love her patterns and I've recently decided that I'm going to have to spend if I want decent yarns, so I'm making it in her Baby Cashmerino yarn, in teal, and it's gorgeous. Going ok, so far (fingers crossed). Again, photos will be up soon.

Tentatively, I've vaguely begun (two rows) a basketweave stitch baby blanket in Jaeger Chamonix for a friend, which I'm trying to design myself (ish - as much as one can design a blanket). I'm hoping that I have the stamina to complete it. I find such repetitive things a little on the tedious side. If all else fails, it may just have to be for a different baby.

And I'm on my second tension square for a gorgeous Noro waistcoat for my niece. Hopefully she won't decide that that's too itchy as well - especially considering the cost of Noro! If not, again, I suppose it can always go to someone else.